E-business (electronic business) is the conduct of business processes on the internet. These e-business processes include buying and selling products, supplies and services; servicing customers; processing payments; managing production control; collaborating with business partners; sharing information; running automated employee services; recruiting; and more.

E-business services range from the development of intranets and extranets to e-services, the provision of services and tasks over the internet by application service providers. Today, as major corporations continuously rethink their businesses in terms of the internet - specifically, its availability, wide reach and ever-changing capabilities - they are conducting e-business to buy parts and supplies from other companies, collaborate on sales promotions and conduct joint research. Do you know how does each model of the following (B2C, B2B, C2B and C2C models) operate in e-business? MBS is here to help you out in heightening your business profit making.

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